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Follow the steps below to get the bed level and the right position from the nozzle

  1. Home the machine
    1. Push the knob on the front of the display
    2. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Motion entry and push the knob
    3. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Auto Home entry and push the knob
    4. Wait for the machine to stop moving
  2. Disable the stepper motors
    1. Push the knob on the front of the display
    2. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Motion entry and push the knob
    3. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Disable Steppers entry and push the knob
    4. Turn the knob to the left to scroll up to Main entry and push the knob
    5. Turn the knob to the left to scroll up to the Info Screen entry and push the knob
  3. Move the nozzle with your hand to be over one of the screws on the bottom of the bed
  4. Slide a piece of paper or the triangle calibrator under the nozzle and turn the screw until there is resistance when sliding the paper
  5. Repeat the above two steps for the other three screws
  6. Repeat the above three steps until you don't have to adjust the screws each time
  7. Print a first layer test design
    1. Download the STL file from Thingiverse Dr Vax 2 Box Calibration
    2. Slice the design
    3. Watch as the 3D printer is running and adjust the leveling screws to get the first layer just right
      1. Stop the print after the first layer
        1. Push the knob on the display
        2. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Stop Print entry and push the knob
        3. Turn the knob to the right to select Stop and push the knob
  8. Repeat running the design until the first layer is just right
    "Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. - Proverbs 22:29"
3dprinter/procedures/levelbed.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/20 21:53 by