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Follow the steps below to run the 3D printer to create your design

  1. Insert the SD Card with your design gcode in the slot on the front of the 3D printer
  2. Press the knob on the front of the display
  3. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Print from Media entry and press the knob
  4. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the gcode file entry you want to print and press the knob
  5. Turn the knob to the right to select the Print option and press the knob
  6. Monitor the machine for any errors or defects while you wait for it to finish your design
    1. If something happens and you need to stop the print press the knob on the front of the display
    2. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Stop Print entry and press the knob
    3. Turn the knob to the right to select the Stop option and press the knob
  7. Lower the bed to make it easier to remove your design
    1. Press the knob on the front of the display
    2. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Motion entry and press the knob
    3. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Move Axis entry and press the knob
    4. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Move Z entry and press the knob
    5. Turn the knob to the right to scroll down to the Move 10mm entry and press the knob
    6. Turn the knob to the right to change the value to be either at least +100 or 50 greater than the current value and press the knob
    7. Turn the knob to the left to scroll up to Move Axis entry and press the knob
    8. Turn the knob to the left to scroll up to the Motion entry and press the knob
    9. Turn the knob to the left to scroll up to the Main entry and press the knob
    10. Turn the knob to the left to scroll up to the Info Screen entry and press the knob
    11. Wait for the bed to stop moving down
  8. Remove the magnetic sheet from the bed and flex it to release your design
  9. Replace the magnetic sheet on the bed
  10. Throw away the extra pieces of plastic that are not part of your design

Once your design has been finished you can either run another design or turn off the machine

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. - Isaiah 40:28"
3dprinter/procedures/rundesign.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/20 21:53 by