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Prepare Windows Flash Drive

The first step required is to format the USB Flash drive for the native OS. On Windows 10 follow the steps below.

  1. Insert the USB Flash drive into the computer
  2. Launch the Disk Management tool
    1. Open the Start Menu
    2. Type in “Create and format hard disk”
    3. Click the “Create and format hard disk partitions” Control Panel result

      Find Disk Utility

  3. Select the USB Flash drive in the list at the top

    Select drive

  4. Right click on the USB Flash drive and select “Format…“

    Select erase

  5. Type in a name for the drive

    Name drive

  6. Select the “NTFS” option for the File System

    Select file system

  7. Click the “OK” button

    Start format

  8. Click the “OK” button when it asks to continue

    Confirm format

  9. When it's finished close the Disk Management window

Add Windows Applications

The next step is to add the applications that are needed.

  1. Open an Explorer window and select the USB Flash drive

    Select drive

  2. Create a folder called “Applications”

    New Applications Folder

  3. Download and install the Raspberry Pi Imager app
    1. Browse to and download the latest version
    2. Run the downloaded app

      Raspberry Pi Imager Install

    3. Follow the prompts to install the app. At the end uncheck the option to “Run Raspberry Pi Imager” and click “Finish”

      Raspberry Pi Imager Install Complete

    4. Open another Explorer window and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)

      Raspberry Pi Imager Folder

    5. Drag the Raspberry Pi Imager folder to the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive

      Raspberry Pi Imager Installed

  4. Download and install the Win32-OpenSSH app
    1. Browse to and download the latest version zip file under the “Releases” heading on the right side
    2. Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar

      Visual Studio Code Zip

    3. Change the path to the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the “Extract” button

      Visual Studio Code Extract Files

  5. Download and install the Visual Studio Code app
    1. Browse to and download the latest version zip file under the “Other platforms” link
    2. Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar

      Visual Studio Code Zip

    3. Change the path to a Visual Studio Code subfolder of the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the “Extract” button

      Visual Studio Code Extract Files

    4. Create a new folder named “data” in the Visual Studio Code folder on the USB Flash drive

      Visual Studio Code Data Folder

  6. Install required extensions in Visual Studio Code
    1. Open the Code app from the Visual Studio Code folder on the USB Flash drive
    2. Click on the extensions icon

      VSCode Extensions

    3. Type “Python” in the search field

      VSCode Extensions - Python

    4. Click the “Install” button for the Python extension

      VSCode Extensions Python Install

    5. Type “C/C++” in the search field

      VSCode Extensions - C/C++

    6. Click the “Install” button for the C/C++ extension

      VSCode Extensions - C/C++ Install

    7. Type “Remote-SSH” in the search field

      VSCode Extensions - Remote-SSH

    8. Click the “Install” button for the Remote - SSH extension

      VSCode Extensions - Remote-SSH Install

    9. Close Visual Studio Code
  7. Download and install the PuTTY app
    1. Browse to and download the latest version zip file at the bottom of the page
    2. Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar

      PuTTY Zip

    3. Change the path to a PuTTY subfolder of the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the “Extract” button

      PuTTY Extract Files

  8. Create a batch file to setup paths for Visual Studio Code
    1. Open the Code app from the Visual Studio Code folder on the USB Flash drive
    2. Select File→New File

      VSCode - New File

    3. Enter the following text

      SET PATH=%~dp0\OpenSSH-Win64;%~dp0\"Visual Studio Code";%PATH%
    4. Select File→Save As…

      VSCode - Save File

    5. Browse to the “Applications” folder on the USB Flash drive, enter “VSCode.cmd” for the File name: and click Save

      VSCode - Save File Location

    6. Close Visual Studio Code
  9. Download and install the Win32DiskImager app
    1. Browse to and download the latest version binary zip file
    2. Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar

      Win32DiskImager Zip

    3. Change the path to a Win32DiskImager subfolder of the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the “Extract” button

      Win32DiskImager Extract Files

Add Web Link

  1. Open Edge and browse to the Robot Club home page
  2. Open an Explorer window and select the USB Flash drive

    USB Flash Drive Folder

  3. Right click in the Explorer window and select New→Shortcut
  4. Select the web address at the top of the Edge window, copy it and paste it for the location of the item

    Shortcut - Location

  5. Click the “Next” button

    Shortcut - Next

  6. Enter “Robot Club” for the name of the shortcut

    Shortcut - Name

  7. Click the “Finish” button

    Shortcut - Finish

pibot/flashdrivewin.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/20 21:53 by