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Why Robots?

Robots provide an integrated introduction to the technologies underpinning today's world. They are already prevalent in modern society, and their role will only increase as we find more applications for them. Robots require a combination of Mechanics, Electronics, and Software in order to build a successful one, and understanding how a robot works will aid in interacting with them in our lives. Rather than simply learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through rote memorization and theoretical problems, robots provide a hands-on, practical approach to all four subjects.

What Makes a Robot?

Robots are made up of three main types of components. The components are listed below along with examples of each one. Below the list are examples of some real robots.

  • Mechanisms
    • Chassis
      • Holds all of the other components of the robot
      • The body of the robot
      • The structure for the arms of a robot
    • Actuators
      • Creates motion of the robot and allows the robot to reach items
      • Motors and gears to move an arm of the robot
      • Motors and wheels to move the body of the robot
    • Tools
      • Enables the robot to do some work
      • Grippers to grasp an object
      • Drill to create a hole
  • Electronics
    • Sensors
      • Enables the robot to sense its environment
      • Optical sensors for detecting lines or distance
      • Strain sensors for detecting force
    • Controls
      • Enables the robot to perform a task
      • Computer to coordinate the sensors, actuators, and tools
      • Circuitry to make a motor spin
    • Power
      • Gives the robot the energy it needs
      • Batteries
      • Solar Panels
  • Software
    • Provides the algorithms to interpret the sensors and control the actuators and tools to make the robot perform a task
    • Makes the robot “think”

Picture of Industrial Arm Robots
Photo by David Leveque on Unsplash

Picture of Honda Asimo Robot
Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

Picture of NASA Perseverence Rover and Ingenuity Drone
Image Courtesy NASA

Robot Projects

Robot Machines

Laser Engraver

3D Printer

"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. - 1 Timothy 4:4-5"
start.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/28 16:59 by jstruebel