The basic certification will allow you to print designs with approval and oversight from someone that has the advanced certification.
Someone who has the basic certification has demonstrated the following:
Knowing how to find CAD files using the internet
Knowing how to import CAD file into the slicer and make changes to ensure it prints well
Knowing how to import the CAD file onto the printer and start printing it
Knowing how to change the filament
Knowing the different filament types
In order to receive the basic certification you must complete the following steps on your own with supervision from someone with advanced certification:
Create a copy of the design and scale it to 75% of the original size
Rotate the copy so it is a different orientation from the original
Position both items so that they fit on the print plate
Label the scaled copy of your design with your first/given name and last/surname
The advanced certification will allow you to approve and oversee designs.
Someone who has the advanced certification has demonstrated the following:
Knowing how to level the print bed
Knowing how to calibrate the printer
Knowing how to fix issues with the printer such as stepper motor not working or print bed not heating up
Knowing how to create a design using CAD tools
In order to receive the advanced certification you must complete the following steps on your own with supervision from someone with advanced certification:
Someone who already has the basic certification does not need to repeat those steps
The person supervising should make the print bed un-level prior to starting this certification step
Troubleshoot and Diagnose a problem with the printer
The person supervising should create a problem with the printer prior to starting this certification step
Create a
vase with the following characteristics
Maximum dimensions of 80mm diameter and 120mm tall
Label the vase with your first/given name and last/surname
"O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. - Psalm 104:24"