The basic certification will allow you to cut and engrave your own designs with approval and oversight of someone with the advanced certification.
Someone who has the basic certification has demonstrated the following:
In order to receive the basic certification you must complete the following steps on your own with supervision from someone with advanced certification:
Create a
wall plaque with the following characteristics
Size shall be 6“ x 4”
There shall be a 0.25“ diameter hole in the center of the top
The text shall include “Basic Laser Certification” and your name
Your name shall include your first/given name and your last/surname
Nicknames and middle names are allowed in addition
Additional artwork may be added to the plaque and is encouraged
A verse or quote is not required
The advanced certification will allow you to approve and oversee designs.
Someone who has the advanced certification has demonstrated the following:
Knowing how to align the laser
Knowing how to clean the lens
Knowing how to find the laser focus distance
In order to receive the advanced certification you must complete the following steps on your own with supervision from someone with advanced certification:
Someone who already has the basic certification does not need to repeat those steps
The person supervising should bring the laser out of alignment prior to starting this certification step
Create a
wall plaque with the following characteristics
Size shall be 6” x 4“
There shall be a 0.25” diameter hole in the center of the top
The text shall include “Advanced Laser Certification” and your name
Your name shall include your first/given name and your last/surname
Nicknames and middle names are allowed in addition
Additional artwork may be added to the plaque and is encouraged
A verse or quote is not required
"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. - Isaiah 40:28"