===== Prepare Windows Flash Drive ===== The first step required is to format the USB Flash drive for the native OS. On Windows 10 follow the steps below. - Insert the USB Flash drive into the computer - Launch the Disk Management tool - Open the Start Menu - Type in "Create and format hard disk" - Click the "Create and format hard disk partitions" Control Panel result\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm1.png |Find Disk Utility}} - Select the USB Flash drive in the list at the top\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm2.png |Select drive}} - Right click on the USB Flash drive and select "Format..."\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm3.png |Select erase}} - Type in a name for the drive\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm4.png |Name drive}} - Select the "NTFS" option for the File System\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm5.png |Select file system}} - Click the "OK" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm6.png |Start format}} - Click the "OK" button when it asks to continue\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:dm7.png |Confirm format}} - When it's finished close the Disk Management window ===== Add Windows Applications ===== The next step is to add the applications that are needed. - Open an Explorer window and select the USB Flash drive\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app1.png |Select drive}} - Create a folder called "Applications"\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app2.png |New Applications Folder}} - Download and install the Raspberry Pi Imager app - Browse to [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/]] and download the latest version - Run the downloaded app\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app3.png |Raspberry Pi Imager Install}} - Follow the prompts to install the app. At the end uncheck the option to "Run Raspberry Pi Imager" and click "Finish"\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app4.png |Raspberry Pi Imager Install Complete}} - Open another Explorer window and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app5.png |Raspberry Pi Imager Folder}} - Drag the Raspberry Pi Imager folder to the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app6.png |Raspberry Pi Imager Installed}} - Download and install the Win32-OpenSSH app - Browse to [[https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH]] and download the latest version zip file under the "Releases" heading on the right side - Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app7.png |Visual Studio Code Zip}} - Change the path to the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the "Extract" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app8.png |Visual Studio Code Extract Files}} - Download and install the Visual Studio Code app - Browse to [[https://code.visualstudio.com]] and download the latest version zip file under the "Other platforms" link - Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app9.png |Visual Studio Code Zip}} - Change the path to a Visual Studio Code subfolder of the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the "Extract" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app10.png |Visual Studio Code Extract Files}} - Create a new folder named "data" in the Visual Studio Code folder on the USB Flash drive\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app11.png |Visual Studio Code Data Folder}} - Install required extensions in Visual Studio Code - Open the Code app from the Visual Studio Code folder on the USB Flash drive - Click on the extensions icon\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app12.png |VSCode Extensions}} - Type "Python" in the search field\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app13.png |VSCode Extensions - Python}} - Click the "Install" button for the Python extension\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app14.png |VSCode Extensions Python Install}} - Type "C/C++" in the search field\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app15.png |VSCode Extensions - C/C++}} - Click the "Install" button for the C/C++ extension\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app16.png |VSCode Extensions - C/C++ Install}} - Type "Remote-SSH" in the search field\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app17.png |VSCode Extensions - Remote-SSH}} - Click the "Install" button for the Remote - SSH extension\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app18.png |VSCode Extensions - Remote-SSH Install}} - Close Visual Studio Code - Download and install the PuTTY app - Browse to [[https://jakub.kotrla.net/putty/]] and download the latest version zip file at the bottom of the page - Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app19.png |PuTTY Zip}} - Change the path to a PuTTY subfolder of the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the "Extract" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app20.png |PuTTY Extract Files}} - Create a batch file to setup paths for Visual Studio Code - Open the Code app from the Visual Studio Code folder on the USB Flash drive - Select File->New File\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app21.png |VSCode - New File}} - Enter the following text\\ \\ SET PATH=%~dp0\OpenSSH-Win64;%~dp0\"Visual Studio Code";%PATH% Code - Select File->Save As...\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app22.png |VSCode - Save File}} - Browse to the "Applications" folder on the USB Flash drive, enter "VSCode.cmd" for the File name: and click Save\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app23.png |VSCode - Save File Location}} - Close Visual Studio Code - Download and install the Win32DiskImager app - Browse to [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/files/Archive/]] and download the latest version binary zip file - Open the downloaded file and select the Extract all icon on the Extract toolbar\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app24.png |Win32DiskImager Zip}} - Change the path to a Win32DiskImager subfolder of the Applications folder on the USB Flash drive and click the "Extract" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app25.png |Win32DiskImager Extract Files}} ====== Add Web Link ====== - Open Edge and browse to the [[https://robot-club.jonathan.struebel-family.net/start|Robot Club]] home page - Open an Explorer window and select the USB Flash drive\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app2.png |USB Flash Drive Folder}} - Right click in the Explorer window and select New->Shortcut - Select the web address at the top of the Edge window, copy it and paste it for the location of the item\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app26.png |Shortcut - Location}} - Click the "Next" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app27.png |Shortcut - Next}} - Enter "Robot Club" for the name of the shortcut\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app28.png |Shortcut - Name}} - Click the "Finish" button\\ \\ {{ :pibot:flashdrivewin:app29.png |Shortcut - Finish}}