====== mBot Lessons ====== This documentation provides training material for using the [[https://www.makeblock.com/pages/mbot-robot-kit|mBot]] to teach basic programming and electronics skills. This robot uses an Arduino style board as the brains along with several interface boards to control the motors, provide feedback, and interface to sensors. This robot was chosen because it provides an easy to use block programming platform that students can quickly get started with and a sturdy frame that can be extended. This documentation is broken into several lessons and challenges that progress from building the robot through performing basic maneuvers. [[:mbot:lesson1|{{:mbot:lesson1.png?120}}]]\\ [[:mbot:lesson1|Lesson 1]]\\ mBot Assembly [[:mbot:lesson2|{{:mbot:lesson2.png?120}}]]\\ [[:mbot:lesson2|Lesson 2]]\\ mBot Obstacle Avoidance [[:mbot:lesson3|{{:mbot:lesson3.png?120}}]]\\ [[:mbot:lesson3|Lesson 3]]\\ mBot Line Following [[:mbot:challenge1|{{:mbot:challenge1.png?120}}]]\\ [[:mbot:challenge1|Challenge 1]]\\ mBot Line Following with Obstacles