====== Procedure ======
Follow the steps below to run the laser engraver to create your design
- If the laser engraver is not already on, [[:laserengraver:procedures:poweron|turn on the machine]]
- Open the Lightburn app on the computer
- Load the correct template file for the size material you are using
- If there isn't a template already created then [[:laserengraver:procedures:createtemplate|create a template]] for your material\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:load_template.png |Loading a Template}}
- Load your design file\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:load_design.png |Loading a Design}}
- Align and scale it to fit within the the shape of your material
- If the design has a frame the size of the material then delete the frame after aligning it to the material\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:delete_frame.png |Deleting a Frame}}
- Select each color in the Cuts/Layers and assign the appropriate [[:laserengraver:materials|material]] to it from the Library\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:assign_materials.png |Assigning the Materials}}
- Select the laser engraver that you will be using\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:select_laser.png |Selecting the Laser Engraver}}
- Click the Home button in the Laser window to move the laser head to the back right corner\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:home_button.png |Selecting the Home Button}}
- Verify that the key on the laser engraver is in the Off position\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:key_off.png |Key in Off Position}}
- Open the lid of the laser engraver and place your material on the platform inside the machine
- Ensure that the "Start From:" option in the Laser settings is set to "Absolute Coords"\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:absolute_coords.png |Setting Absolute Coordinates}}
- Set the height of your material to the laser head
- Select the laser move tool in Lightburn\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:move_tool.png |Selecting the Laser Move Tool}}
- Click somewhere over your design in Lightburn
- Wait for the laser head to stop moving
- Turn the height adjust knob of the platform until the appropriate laser focus gage step barely fits under the laser head\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:focus_laser.png |Setting the Laser Focus}}
- Verify that the material is large enough for your design using the following steps
- Click the Frame button in the Laser window\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:frame_button.png |Selecting the Frame Button}}
- Verify that the laser head stays over the material as it moves
- If the laser head moves off of the material then resize the design to make it smaller
- Click the Frame button in the Laser window to check the new size
- Wait for the laser head to stop moving
- Close the lid of the laser engraver machine
- Turn the key on the laser engraver to the On position\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:key_on.png |Key in On Position}}
- Click the Start button in the Laser window\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:start_button.png |Selecting the Start Button}}
- Monitor the machine for any errors or warnings while you wait for it to finish your design
- Turn the key on the laser engraver to the Off position\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:key_off.png |Key in Off Position}}
- In the Lightburn app click the Home button in the Laser window\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:rundesign:home_button.png |Selecting the Home Button}}
- Wait for the laser head to stop moving
- Open the lid of the laser engraver machine
- Remove all of the material from the machine
- Close the lid of the laser engraver machine
Once your design has been finished you can either [[:laserengraver:procedures:rundesign|run another design]] or [[:laserengraver:procedures:poweroff|turn off the machine]]