====== Procedure ====== Follow the steps below to turn the laser engraver off - Verify that the key on the laser engraver is in the Off position\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:poweroff:key_off.png |Key in Off Position}} - Turn off the laser power switch on the side of the machine\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:poweroff:laser_pwr.png |Laser Power Button}} - Turn off the water cooler power switch\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:poweroff:chiller_pwr.png |Water Cooler Power Button}} - Turn off the air pump power switch on the side of the machine\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:poweroff:airpump_pwr.png |Air Pump Power Button}} - Turn off the controller power switch on the side of the machine\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:poweroff:controller_pwr.png |Controller Power Button}} - Turn off the outlet strip behind the machine\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:poweroff:pwr_strip.png |Power Strip}} - Remove the key from the machine and return it to the cabinet