====== Procedure ====== - Open the Inkscape program on the computer\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:createdesign:inkscape.png |Open Inkscape}} - Draw a rectangle to match the size of your material\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:createdesign:draw_material.png |Draw Material Outline}} - Draw your design using the tools in Inkscape\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:createdesign:tools.png |Use Tools}} - Set the stroke and fill colors for each item you draw based on the following list - Outline Engrave - Blue - Fill Engrave - Black - Deep Outline Engrave - Gold - Deep Fill Engrave - Green - Cut - Red - Material Outline - Pink\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:createdesign:colors.png |Set Colors}} - Set the line width for each item you draw to match the kerf for the [[:laserengraver:materials|material]] that you are using - Use 1.5mm for the Material Outline\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:createdesign:material_stroke_width.png |Set Material Stroke Width}} - Save your design to a USB Flash drive - Use the project name and add your name to the end\\ \\ {{ :laserengraver:procedures:createdesign:save_design.png |Save the Design}} - Take the USB Flash drive over to the LightBurn computer to [[:laserengraver:procedures:rundesign|run your design]]